5 good reasons to succumb to Vintage Jewelry

At Gigi, we love jewelry. We breathe Ring. We eat Necklace. We Dance Clip. Because for us the Bijou is a great field of expression ! Sometimes perceived as frivolous, it is however much more than that. The pieces that we decide to wear are an artistic, cultural, identity, social and even committed self-expression.

And the pieces that we really want to wear, they are vintage, and this for 5 good reasons.




#1 Reduce our ecological impact

The ravages of fast fashion will not have escaped you: depletion of resources, pollution, piling up of waste… Faced with this disaster, alternatives are emerging to produce less and better, and that's good! However, the only way to produce without impact for our beautiful planet is… not to produce. Vintage is to promote yesterday's nuggets by making them accessible today.



#2 Consuming ethically

Unfortunately, all that glitters is not always very shiny. Indeed, the workers and craftsmen who extract and transform raw materials all too often work in risky or precarious conditions. The good news is that there is no need to resort to new materials! There are many forgotten nuggets just waiting for another chance to shine.




#3 Affirm our style

Each season imposes a new style, this winter we will adorn ourselves with animal print faux fur, embellished with corduroy pants and long dangling earrings for a very 90's look. However, we still don't like meeting our colleague at the café with the same pieces as us. On the contrary, answer “it's a limited collection! to a question about the origin of one of our finds provides not-so-guilty pleasure. Wear a character jewel, different from that of his girlfriend, that's also the magic of vintage.



#4 Pass on to our loved ones

At Gigi Paris we find it cool to wear your grandmother's necklace. For us, a ring, a necklace, a brooch is also a part of history. We see nostalgia dawning on the signet ring of an ancestor, love sparkling on a family jewel. We see the beauty of the transmission. Acquiring a second-hand piece also means realizing that you have to take care of it in order to pass it on one day.




#5 Buy at a discount

The vintage market is full of good deals. The jewelry store is no exception to the rule and offers pieces that are often much cheaper than their new counterparts. Paradoxically, the prices are reduced while the jewelry has passed the test of time and trends. Small bonus, the imprint of time is never the same twice, it infuses the "je ne sais quoi" that makes each piece unique, like us.


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